Siskiyou Wilderness
One of the year’s highlights is recruiting, meeting, and working with newly graduated CCC Backcountry Corpsmembers on our Bigfoot Trail Alliance Siskiyou Wilderness Collaborative. This year was no different.

In the recent past, the Bigfoot Trail Alliance, Siskiyou Mountain Club, and Del Norte Trail Alliance have all played major roles in rehabilitating and maintaining routes in the Siskiyou Wilderness. SMC has led several trips through the area logging out and brushing the trail. Joe Gillespe of the Del Norte Trail Alliance has coordinated and joined those trips as well as planned and executed work trips and spike-camps on the Kelsey Trail along the South Fork Smith River.
Our 2024 CCC Collaborative focused on Clear Creek in the eastern Siskiyous but also scouting and working on the Kelsey Trail from Elbow Springs to Harrington Lake. The crew cleared, treaded, and brushed 4 miles of the Clear Creek Trail from No Mans Trailhead during the week. Another crew spent a few days walking from Elbow Springs to Harrington Lake. We have a solid trail report for this route and a plan to take care of it next year!

Thanks to everyone who supported this work including the Six Rivers National Forest (RAC), Klamath National Forest, Rose Foundation, and CCC Backcountry Trails Program.
Awesome time looking for bigfoot and doing trail work! 🙂