This spring, our trip leaders and volunteers cleared, treaded, and lopped nearly 15 miles of trails across the Shasta-Trinity, Klamath, and Six Rivers national forests. Detailed accounts include work on Wooley Creek, Packer Peak Trail, and Canyon Creek, totaling 15.5 miles.
Getting Acquainted with the Bigfoot Trail
Based upon the experience of five Bigfoot veterans, here are five ways to dip your toes into the Bigfoot Trail. You can obtain more information including digital and hardcopy maps and other resources on the website.
The Bigfoot Trail Ate Me Alive
While working the section of the Bigfoot Trail north of Rush Creek Lake, the BFTA crew met Christof Teuscher, a professor in Portland State University’s Department of Electrical and Computing Engineering, on Day 5 of his quest to complete the entire Bigfoot Trail in a mere ten days.
Trinity Alps Trail Work
The Bigfoot Trail Alliance trip to Long Gulch Lake saw 9 Bigfoot Trail Alliance volunteers and 4 Forest Service employees from the Weaverville Ranger District spend a week in the northern Trinity Alps. Utilizing Long Gulch Lake as a base camp, the crew spent the week clearing trails and reestablishing trail tread to Rush Creek […]
Bear Creek Trail, Trinity Alps Wilderness
May 17-19, 2023 Volunteer Work Trip By Dennis Houghton, Crew Leader (all photos by Dennis too!) We had a great trip to the Canyon Creek drainage, camping at Ripstein Campground and doing trail maintenance & logouts on the Bear Creek trail section of the Bigfoot trail this past week. Temperatures hovered in the mid-to-high 80’s […]
Long Gulch Lake
JULY 2022: A team of six volunteers ventured into the Trinity Alps Wilderness to work the Bigfoot Trail from Fish Lake to Rush Creek Lake. They focused on trail clearing, brushing, and water bar maintenance after the impacts of the River Complex of 2021.
Trinity Alps Trail Work
June 19-26th, 2021 A crew of 15 adults and 4 kids spent a week working the Bigfoot Trail between Packer’s Peak and Fish Lake in the Trinity Alps Wilderness. This section of trail has not been formally maintained since 2010. Along the way, we maintained 9 miles of trail, logged out 50+ trees, and re-treaded […]
Seiad Valley to Canyon Creek
A group of ultramarathoners orchestrated a 120 mile section-hike of the Bigfoot Trail that involved a car shuttle and key-swap. Suzanna Bon and Sean hiked from Seiad Valley to Canyon Creek while Lucas Horan hiked the opposite direction. While they executed this epic trip in only four days, the approach exemplifies the endless possibilities that […]